Making art is an absolute must. It's not frivolous.
Human beings are inherently creative. Somewhere along the way someone told you that you weren't creative so you stopped looking at yourself that way.
Or maybe the arts was frowned upon in your home as not worthy enough, or not productive enough. Maybe you were told you're not going to get a job in this field so don't waste your time with it. Do you think it's not enough of a contribution to strike it from your life?
Well this makes me very sad. It is so unfortunate that there is an actual antidote to the sadness, depression, and general feelings of unworthiness that so many peipke are feeling these days. and Those same people are probably pretty sad these days and maybe you are too but you're looking for a way to bring joy into your life.
That's what art and creative expression is. It is inherent and ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for a vibrant existence. I know I'm making bold claims but there is a lot of science surrounding this very subject. I won't get too deep into it here, but the field is called NEUROARTS and you can check it out here.
It is our birthright. It is not frivolous or
Work with Briana
Sign up for a private workshop at my home studio. Let me be your cheerleader and guide you back to what